Opening of Amianto Infopoint

The employment history of Trieste and its province has been characterized significantly by a massive use of asbestos that has produced, produces and will produce over this territory dramatic effects proved by the many asbestos-related diseases recorded every year.
There is still also, due to its wide use in the construction sector, a significant presence of asbestos materials, despite the 1992 ban, both in public and private buildings.
The territory of Muggia, due to its industrial history (shipbuilding, oil refinery, etc.), has suffered a long and heavy pollution and exposure of dangerous substances.
Since the matter is particularly complex for its various implications (health, social security and environmental), creating synergies of expertise will broaden the knowledge, and are therefore able to provide the best information to citizens.
This is a common initiative resulting from the collaboration between CGIL of Trieste and EARA (European Asbestos Risks Association) onlus which is carried out on the territory of Muggia with the opening of AMIANTO INFOPOINT on November 11. Amianto Infopoint will be available for the citizens on the two first Wednesdays of each month, from 9.30 to 12.00 am.