World Asbestos Victims Days and the International Day for Health and Security on work places

Wednesday, April 28th, 2010, at 10.30 am, in the Chamber of Commerce conference hall in Nova Gorica (Slovenia), Gradnikove Brigade 6, the European Asbestos Risks Association onlus, in collaboration with its partners of Zveza SABS, will celebrate the World Asbestos Victims Days and the International Day for Health and Security on work places. The Speakers will be dr. Paolo Tomatis PhD (EARA’s president), mr. Bojan Goljevš?ek (Zveza SABS president and EARA’s vicepresident) and mr. Giuseppe Turretta (AeA ed altri rischi ambientali Veneto and EARA’s vicepresident). By the occasion, editorial director dr. Roberto Fonda will introduce the first edition of our periodic EARAnews. ]>