The annual M.A. is summoned for Tuesday, April 26^th , 2016 at 7:00 am on first call and second call at 4.45 pm at SPI-CGIL Trade Union’s seat in Muggia (Trieste), via G. Mazzini 3, (as established by EARA’s social statute, art. nr. 8), with the following agenda :
1) Appointment of President and Secretary of the Assembly;
2) Check of powers;
3) Moral, technical and financial reports of the president, with reading and approving of the financial statements: final budget (2015) and new budget (2016);
4) Approval of final and new budgets;
5) Examination of the associative activities program for the current year, and approval;
6) Proposal for extension of the term of social pending charges until statutory changes;
7) Co-opting of new members;
8) Other.